Sunday, January 9, 2011

Early Christmas Gift (written post-Christmas)

So, it's Monday evening, September 20 (my grandmother Esther's birthday, btw) and Rico has gone to visit with Jeff, the drummer from his old band (country-rock, Pocket Change) to talk about equipment, gear and various musician-related stuff. I've gotten home from work, checked in with Melody and Caroline, chased Aubrey around the house a time or two, washed up the inevitable sink full of dishes and am thinking about what I can put together for supper, probably just for me as everyone else has already eaten.

Rico comes home after picking up Dominic at the dance studio (a daily occurence), kisses me "hello" and tosses a paper on the table in front of me. I read "Mastering the Art of French Cooking using Julia Child's cookbook and methods" or something to that effect. WHAT?! I love the movie "Julie and Julia," Rico got the DVD for me for Christmas and has even watched most of it with me. I've been intrigued with the cooking part of the book/movie and have tried a recipe or two, with mixed results. Now, he's handed me the syllabus for a course being offered at James Rumsey Technical School that will teach me (maybe) just what I'm wanting to learn.

I read over the material and we talk about what's involved - time, money, etc. We agree that it can be my early Christmas present, the timing will work with my work schedule and Dominic's dance classes, and we all stand to gain from the experience. I talk with the chef (David Propst) teaching the class, get the details and enroll in the class beginning the next week, having missed only the first class. WooHoo!!

Eleven weeks later, I am a little sad that the class is finished, but I am super excited about having Thanksgiving dinner at our house and using my experience to make the whole day flow more smoothly and be more fun for me and, therefore, for everyone else. (And it was.)

Suffice it to say that I was bowled over by Rico's thoughtfulness in offering this opportunity. It was wonderful to realize that he notices almost as much as I wish he would, and responds to little things as well as huge occurrences. The class was fun, well worth the time and the money. I feel much more confident in the kitchen, now, and just as excited about trying new recipes and techniques with a little supervised experience under my belt.

Am I looking for another class to take right now? No. Will I take another cooking class? Probably. My family has noticed and is impressed by the dishes I make and our menus have definitely expanded a little. At this point, I'm thinking that I want to start baking bread again . . .

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